i need to handle that more carefully than i have in the past so again i want to thank captain jason turnis and the guys at the tenderloin police station for coming out and dealing with incredible stu pid itd. you're not paid enough to do that job. they're not and the sorts of things they have to put up -- if it were up to me i have a purse and i'm not afraid to use it. no man wants to get hit by a woman's purse. thank you. >> next speaker. welcome back. how are you? >> there is a button on the side here. can someone help me out here? >> what are you looking for? what are you trying to do? >> i got disconnected. is there a button? >> [inaudible] >> no. because i have plugged it up. >> [inaudible] >> nope. >> not getting the feed there. i can call down stairs to see if they can get you one. >> well, i will work on the video. let me see here. >> nope. i can call down. let's see. >> well, it's definitely plugged up but maybe next time. i think the problem is on black friday there was an incident where there was -- there's about 15 officers -- it was black friday and there was a guy who evaded