reconstructing the last hour of lindsey's life and the bulk of the clues came from her boyfriend, jason zailoand split up, lindsey over to the house she was going to shoot those eager buyers, jason to take a contract to this autumn detailing shop before meeting lindsey at the house to drop off some papers. >> and so i said, i will come meet you, 10:15 minutes or so. and i started driving and that's when she said to me, okay, i will see you in a bit i have to go the mexicans are here. >> the mexicans was lindsay's shorthand name for the clients who spoke with a strange accident. while lindsey was meeting the couple, this surveillance tape shows jason at a friends hopping into jason's range rover at 5:30 pm to head for the house. at 5:38 pm police say jason sent lindsey a text. >> the last text that jason said was a couple of minutes away, that text was never opened by lindsey. >> then at 5:41 pm, just three minutes after jason sent that final text -- >> lindsey's blackberry made a phone call out and we believe that phone call was made as a result of the attack. >> that was buttons on her black