what are you really up to, javert? do you expect me to believe that a decorated starfleet officer-- the pride of the service-- is going to poison an entire planet? that's exactly what i'm going to do. you're bluffing. am i? commander, launch torpedoes. commander, i said launch torpedoes. aye, sir. kira: the trtrithium resin is dissipating throughout the biosphere. the maquis are starting to evacuate. do you realize what you've done? sisko: i've only just begun. into homeless refugees. that's right. that the maquis have become an intolerable threat to the security of the federation and i am going to eliminate that threat. but think about those people you saw in the caveses. they didn't attack themalinche. you should have thought about that before you attacked a federation starship. helm, lay in a course for tracken two, warp six. commander, prepare two more torpedoes. engine room, bridge. set t urse 050 mark 179. ...on torpedoes three and four. can't you see what's happening to you? you're going against everything you c