javier bardem looks like he's having a lot of fun spouting... all the witty cormac mccarthy dialogue. [man] we chat with john ridley, screenwriter for... "12 years a slave." the fact that it really fell out of the consciousness... for almost 150 years is really kind of shocking. [man] we review "nebraska"... from director alexander payne. alexander payne has made six movies, but this is... the first time he doesn't have a screenwriting credit. [man] and, aaron and kevin battle... over which film is best: "let me in" versus "let the right one in." why can't people just appreciate international filmmaking? they can, and i love international filmmaking. yeah, okay, so then why did this need to be made? [man] all right here... on "just seen it." ♪ ♪♪ has a history of selfishness and greed. -i owe you. -yes, you do. [man] when he descends into the world of drug trafficking, he finds himself in over his head. if you're not in, you need to tell me. why? because you don't know someone 'til you know what they want. [man] not knowing who to trust may cost