replacing, he was the wastewater subcommittee chair and he's being replaced by javier pruit hill, who is a recent appointee and the water commit, david pillpel will be heading the water committee. i'm sure you will have lots of procedural comments that will come out of that committee. it will be good to have new blood come out of that committee and we're going to give that a try. the power subcommittee will be run by doug cane. the resolutions that came forward. a resolution in support of alternative nonpotable water. it was brought forward and i think hasn't been voted on by the supervisors yet. we had a resolution and support of ssip validation program and also an excess land policy that was related to the francisco reservoir. pending, we are going to also look at our rules of order. we currently have the ability to change our rules of order and something that's been detrimental. we have an attendance policy, but it's in practice very difficult to follow because if puts our secretary in a very awkward place where our secretary needs to contact someone she doesn't want to contact and