. >> supervisor tang: we have javier rivera here. >> good afternoon. javier rivera from public works. this legislation street vacation and sidewalk maintenance. due to errors during the construction at 10 niantic, 40 feet was built over the sidewalk. to not complicate title, we were asked to vacate the right-of-way. the community and various situations came together and determined that in exchange for the vacation area, the developer had to construct a new 500-foot sidewalk on the southerly side of niantic street. this provides the neighborhood with an ada-complaint, direct path to the overpass that leads to the bart station. as usual, we circulated this to all agencies and no objections were received. if you have any questions, i would be happy to respond. >> supervisor tang: thank you very much for that. seeing no questions or comments, we'll go to public comment on item 2. any members of the public? >> hi. jeremy schaub from schaub lee architect representing the project's sponsor. i've come to the project rather late, but there's a history of this h