before this report was fininish, mexico's best-known investigative journalist, javier valdez, was dragged from his car and shot 12 times in broad mumurdered for reporting on te drug cartels in memexico this yr alone. ththe country's s press have tn to the streets in protest. "no to silence, no to self-censorship, no to fear," they say. "we have to continue investigating and reporting." among the demonstrators is political cartoonist rafael pineda. rafael: journalism depends on information. and information is our common property. we would be failing society if we stopped what we do. then people would have no basis for making informed decisions. >> that's why he and his colleagues refuse to be silenced. >> in developing countries, more than half of all jobs do not officially exist. people are working in a shadow economy. many of them didn't finish school, have no contracts, or are poorly paid and have no job security. they often work as garbage collectors, street vendors, or as construction workers in the cities and slums. international work organizations can't even say how many are affecte