board chairman jay bellar of battle creek cast the only vote for norfolk. norfolk public schools teachers participated in the northeast nebraska networking conference's fall writing workshop earlier this month. director of teaching and learning, beth nelson told the norfolk public schools board of education that she assisted in the increase of the district's state writing scores. the women's empowering lifeline invites you to its the organization long-term dual- diagnosis treatment, meaning those who mental-health sandwich meal is set for saturday from 11 to 2 at the masonic proceeds go to the patients access care. those and more on news talk wjag, jessica rae: ford is testing its self-driving cars, and it built a fake city to do it. the ford tests are taking place in "m-city", which is actually located in ann arbor, michigan. m-city features store-fronts, traffic lights and other real-world infrastructure, but no one actually lives there. ford uses m-city to test its self- driving cars under real-life scenarios. the u-s automaker is the latest to experimen