. >> my name is jay cossac and i'm counselor at george washington high school. and i have some comments. i am talking about the a-g requirements. and one of the goals of the school district is accountability. promises to the parents and the students. and i would have to say as a counselor and i feel like i know this area really well, that this was not met so far with the class of 2014. and to start now when they are juniors, the question is what was going on before? i knew what was going on before. i knew what was going on when they were freshmen. we would have conversations about it in our counseling department all the time. how did it get this way? so now we're scrambling. okay? and it's really -- the question to all of you is not the product -- not the end product, but how did we get there? if you don't fix the dynamic it's going to continue on. instead of having the public relations department have excuses about we don't have money for this and this kind of stuff, you know what you should be saying? i'm sorry, we didn't do it. we didn't have the support. we