didn't know it would be amazon prime day and get the point, the space needle and jay inslee is the 23rdington in his second term. governor, we don't often get the winning governor to come here for the big event. you not only did that, you biked here from olimpia which is 70 miles away >> listen, i would never miss a chance to come to paradies and paradise washington is one of the most beautiful places. one of the most luxuriant alpine medals in the world. this is the best thick in our state that's happened in our state since we won the super bowl when i look at the business activity going on in our state, it rivals the prodigious heights of this mountain behind us so thanks for this honor. it really is man honor. >> congratulations for it. i mean, there's a lot going on here and a lot of cross-currents i mean, this happened quickly in terms of our -- in terms of it our ranking. a lot of people say it's amazon. what is going on here and why is this state beyond what you said a great state for business >> i don't think it's an accident i think it comes from several pillars for business gr