jay kriegel passed away just right before pandemic. so making sure. hazel henderson, who worked on the environmental movement and the clean air, and that was the basis for the legal agreement to refund the subway system. so just making sure you get this stuff down and people's own own words before it's too late has has turned out to be very important. was there anyone that you wanted to interview you didn't get a chance to or turned down or wasn't available. chuck schumer. he was everything all person on my list who was at some point answered me and talked to me of them. it took, you know, ten or 15 tries or getting in touch with like their cousin. but he was the only one i wanted to talk him about capping the cross bronx expressway, a couple other issues, but hopefully i'll catch him the next time around you can get him for the paperback edition edition. the bibliography in book is is wonderful. i sort of jotted down a couple of books that seemed interesting to me by, their titles that i wanted to read. if somebody is interested in learning more new