. >> chairman, jay maier of the "new yorker" reminds what happened in which 213 service members wereilled. it was one of several attacks on that compound. and tip o'er of the house, led a two-month investigation. the results of which had bipartisan consensus. changes were made in way how we secure our diplomatic compound. it stands in such sharp contrast pipe actually feel it's one of the most searing indictments of what has happened to our legislative branch. the notion that they work together, there were attacks after this report came out, after these safety measures had been called for. and the president at the time, ronald reagan, said anyone that's ever had their kitchen done over knows that it never gets done as soon as you wish it would. jay maier makes the incredible point, imagine what darrell issa and fox would do if president obama said the same thing. >> well, yeah, it's a different time altogether. that reflection of how far we have come in the poisons of our politicses that you do have speaker of the house who is holding hearings, administration that's cooperative. i me