there is also the statue of jay marion sims who in his gynecological research operated on black women without their consent and without anesthesia that monument was moved from central park on east 103rd street and is now located in greenwood cemetery in brooklyn where sims is buried and then there's the thomas jefferson monument remove from new york city hall and now on long-term loan to us at the new york historical society. it was installed in our lobby just last week. there has been a lot of justifiably heated debate over these and other monuments and the aim of this exhibition is to provide a space to think critically and to think contextually about this very difficult subject and more specifically to show that these controversies which feel so of the moment. in fact have a very long history that dates back to the founding of our nation. that's why we begin with this vandalized 18th century monument to william pitt, which you see on the left hand side of this installation shot set against photographs of monuments and contemporary protests against them the point of this juxtapositi