i am proud tomorrow to help move forward legislation that my staff has been working closely with jay nath and mayor leon that will real i do three things. first of all, it will create a chief data officer because we need one person who is responsible and accountable for moving forward our open data agenda. secondly, we're going to require every department in the city to have a representative who is responsible for data so you can go to our transit agency, our police department, any of our 50 plus departments and know who can help you get the data that we need. thirdly, we need to make sure that we have common standards so that as this data is presented, all of us can know how to use it, how to play with it and move things forward. >>> now, i want to take this moment to issue a challenge to the smartest and the brightest in san francisco here in this room. there are three ideas that have been working on for the last year that i would love to see potentially in hack-a-thon to help move our city forward. the first has to do with a favorite topic of san franciscans. how many of you have had y