presentation and discussion on the san francisco park program by jay primus. [inaudible] >> crafted. -- thank you. i appreciate the opportunity to return to provide an update on the park project. as you know, it is the brand under which -- pardon me for one moment. as you know, sf park is the brand under which we are moving with a new direction, moving toward parking easier and more convenient for drivers. it will benefit small businesses and the rest of the transportation system. this is a picture of what we're trying to avoid. it means that people double park or circle to look for parking which is a waste of fuel and time and not the kind of experience we are looking for. it has negative consequences for transportation because being stacked is part of the reason why muni is not as fast or as reliable as it could be. part of it is a shift from how we managed parking for over 70 years. this is a picture of the mayor offered -- operating the first parking meter. [laughter] it was a great day in san francisco. we have managed parking in the same way for a long t