jay sekulow who represents some of the groups targeted by the irs.e in washington chris from judicial watch. chris, begin with you. from the beginning i supported director comby. i thought he would do an honest investigation of the email fiasco. now, i do not believe the investigation was honest for a number of reasons. you have been trying through your organization, judicial watch, to pry the information out of the government, correct? >> correct. >> how is that struggle going? >> the struggle continues. slow, -- federal courts. the courts have moved pretty fast when you consider when we find out about these lawsuits and what's happened since then. two federal judges have looked at this out of the many lawsuits we filed and say, yeah, it looks like secretary clinton was evading foia here and therefore we are going to allow discovery. that's baking thing. rarely happens. two federal judges, one republican, one democrat says looks that way. the folks don't want to be bogged down in minutia. >> sure. >> what is the end game for judicial watch? what do