geographer jayati ghosh.hosh: for a small-scale farmer, if they cannot afford to buy that water or to have oil in order to pump those irrigation pumps, then it puts them at a disadvantage. if they don't have the money to buy fertilizers or pesticides and herbicides, they cannot use those technology, because for green revolution technology to succeed, you need all the inputs. you cannot just have, maybe, adequate amount of water, and without the fertilizer, it is not going to be successful. narrator: women, too, have not always shared the benefitsof the gr. ghosh: the men have benefited through the mechanization process. however, women are still doing the backbreaking jobs of t wng and the transplanting stages. and so, there's a certain gender bias with this technology. narrator: another critique of the green revolution is its emphasis on monoculture-- the reliance on a single commercial crop. farmers sell, rather than eat, what they raise. the diversity of local diets is reduced and can lead to malnutrition f