ron, jayden's dad, decided to launch stanley into space.put the little train with an hd camera on a weather balloon and sent it flying. >> wait a minute. how far up in the sky did it go? >> stanley got up to the stratosphere about 18 miles up and yes, the little train is blinking, smiling, ron did that with a little special effects afterwards because he thought that's maybe how his little boy jayden sees toy stanley. >> the balloon pops. >> got a frown face when the balloon exploded. >> stanley starts to plummet towards the earth and lands in a cornfield 27 miles away. they used an old cell phone with gps, there's jayden looking around, where's my toy stanley. >> found him. boy and toy reunited. i mean, come on. is that not cute or what. to tell us about their grand adventure we have ron and jayden via skype. ron, i mean, great idea. tell us about this adventure. >> it really all starts with jayden and stanley here. they have just been inseparable since he was 2 which is two years ago. because of this i just thought, you know, i really need