jaylon carter at the scene and spoke to police the night of the accident. be racing at high speeds when lecroix lost control of the vehicle in the early morning hours of january 15th. following celebrations for uga second consecutive national championship. >> just heartbreaking coming off of a celebratory week, the entire bulldog nation is at a loss. >> according to documents reviewed by the atlanta journal constitution, carter left the crash scene before the police or emergency medical workers arrived. when he returned an hour and a half later, he gave shifting accounts of the wreck as an athens police officer questioned him about whether he was racing the car that crashed. lecroix was driving at about 104 miles per hour and her blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit in georgia. according to the athens clark county police, the evidence demonstrated that both vehicles switches lanes, drove in opposite lanes of travel and overtook other motorists and drove at high rates of speed in an attempt to outdistance each other. he was in the car with lecroix a