this is about jayna. paroli. the future aliquippa postmaster in future historian foreverd pas devoted partisan sports moved to hopewell. that's what you did when given the chance. married for four years and worked for eight was making enough to bleed the life the ever more cramped neighborhoods. it wasn't like his dad's time anymore. come to ellis island, feel like a beast breathing until the day that thethat take you away in a. housing developments all over the farmland surrounding the borough and independence, and hopewell they carved up some space. haven't they had enough excitement? moving to hopewell was for the promise people fought for inwo world war ii a better life if you could get away from the street, the bars, the casual tensiotension, count the cars oe road on one hand and raised your kids in peace. at least nine other veterans moved to the new development chris mont village to the $13,000 apiece, living room, kitchen, maybe a basement. they would graduate in the same year and all the men drove to th