let me elaborate on what jayne stancavage said. consumers benefit when we lead inspector mall location and product development so in the 6 ghz band we were the first country to adopt that unlicensed band. we have 200 pieces of equipment that have been through the certification process ranging from television sets, access points, laptops, smart phones etc. and all of that is happening here first so we get the access to equipment and the innovation and the innovative new uses of unlicensed and as we move forward we expect to see more deployment of augmented reality and virtual reality types of devices in that band because we now have the room to spectral he support those technologies so tremendously important. >> i yelled back, mister chairman. >> the chair now recognizes the ranking member for five minutes. >> beginning with mr. bergman, at our last hearing with nta administrator davidson i voiced my concern with the fia circumventing the spectrum management process and pressuring wireless carriers into accepting more conditions on