her the story. - jaynie had just had a flyer made. so, if anybody had any information, they uld contact her. and then she got a phone call from the vet's office. so, we drove down to all creatures. - [jayne] here we are rescuing adonis. - and as soon as jaynie came in the door, before he could even see her, he perked right up. started moving around and dancing his feet. [upbeat music] ♪ in the shadow of the valley ♪ i would like to settle down ♪ wide open space, wind on my face ♪ ♪ a distant horizon - what's up big bird? what you doing? what are you doing? come here. what are you doing? come on. come on, big man. ♪ that i love best ♪ you have always waited for me ♪ you okay. come here. ♪ sage brush and pine - there are the migratory bird treaty acts that protect birds of prey. and federal law just doesn't permit somebody without the right permits to keep a bird of prey in captivity. and let's admit it, this is a defacto captivity, it's illegal, it's against federal law to treat a bird of prey as a pet. [laid back country music] - [jay