jayson ahern is the chief operating officer of cbp.edward alden, author of the closing of the american border, terrorism, immigration, and security since 9/11. sitting to his right is jack riley, a consultant to virtually every agency from the pentagon, state department, and joint chiefs. last is admiral thad allen who needs no introduction, america's man of the moment in two of the largest crisis in recent years, hurricane katrina, and the deepwater horizon oil spill. i'm going to start with you, that'd, and thad may have to leave early, but we really appreciate him being here. we're still talking about these, you know, trying to stop these really powerful drug cartels at our board r, and -- border, and having spent time with you at the borders, i realize this is sort of the goal line stand right there, and that's not the place really you need best to address, but if you could talk about how to address the defense in depth a little bit because it seems like an impossible mission to me to do this all right at the board r. >> sure. firs