i feel luke you love it. >> trevor: i was born in quarantine, jayson. stuck in the house partly because of apartheids, partly because my grand mother was afraid to let me go outside. i am used to it you about i don't think i'm used to anything happening in the world. so stay strong, stay healthy. >> i'm looking forward to giving you a hug one of these days. >> trevor: feel my friend. don't ever threat inwith a hug, i will take you up on it, thank you for joining us on the show. >> thea very much. >> trevor: when we come back i will be talking to the multital ented cat graham, stick around. l distancing show. earlier today i spoke with ak are and musician cat graham, we talked about her work with the united nations refugees and her latest film directed. >> by wiza. >> no, cuz i'm-- cat graham, welcome to the daily social distancing show trevor, thank you for having me. >> you were one of the most talented people i know. easily. i mean actress, singer, dancer, you know, human rights activist. and now once again are you embark on a journey that is sure to