in fact, jean claude trichet was insistent they did not suffer, do not suffer. to impose losses on the holders of one of the senior banks, and trichet said are you not going to do that ask and the company sought a bailout. now trichet said things should be different in the future. >> it depends on your own judgment. in the heat of the crisis, and what would be the new permanent regime in normal times. permanent regime in normal times, absolutely no doubt you have all of the risks that have been taken transformed if it is the case, losses. that's normal. we should not have permanent regime in the future where you would have to be too big to fail, too complex to fail. that's over. that should be over. now, if you are still coping with a dramatic crisis this is another story, and you have to make a judgment. >> so to paraphrase what you just said, i want to be clear. once the crisis is over and there is a new banking regime it should be okay for senior debt holders to take a hit? you didn't want that to happen in ireland in the midst of the crisis? >> yes. you have