jean duval, a very famous french architect wanted to build this grandiose tower and a mall, as if we didn't have enough malls and hotel towers in this city. but when they were doing the excavation, they found really important ruins here. we're going to try and get a look. do you want to try that? - let's do it. it's o.k, guys. it's clear. it's clear. let's go. let's go now before... - come. so this would have been a huge mall complex if jean duval had his way, and the investors behind him. this whole side is really, could be a wonderful site where people could come here and explore, and learn about the many different levels and stages of the history of this really troubled city. but as can tell, the site is closed and we have to beg for access and it looks like any minute now he's going to bounce and ask me to stop talking. - you'll find these fences hiding ancient ruins all over the city centre. had things been done correctly, with archeological digs and careful preservation, the real estate ambitions of developers would have been kept in check. but no, no, no, why save historical a