now jean foster's fpi file was more than 60,000 pages. if you can as you get further in the book you'll meet a number of the other characters whose files or longer. as you get the papers and packets of 200 at a time company to double check and we and it takes about three months. it's an arduous process to go through the freedom of information act request. you don't get everything, and when you do get the fbi files the dark redacted, a lot of blackouts and then you can go through another set of appeals to argue they should give you those papers, so it is a never-ending process. i have a feeling i'm going to be receiving fbi files on paul and jane from years to come. >> i hope i don't find anything shocking. >> since the the such letter writers do julia and paul ever write a letter to mccarthy? >> not that i know of so it's not possible but i wouldn't think so. they pretty much hated him on sight and it only got worse the road and all of lot of letters though. there's just reams of angry screens against him in the letters and the diaries and it's a