and said, i would like to have a meeting with jean gordon. but i want it to be a surprise. don't tell her i'm asking for this. he said, sure. so jean gordon shows up in the office. and there's beatrice. she kind of stands there. and jean gordon is shocked. and beatrice lays out an hawaiian curse on her. one that, may the flesh run off your skin, and freaks her out. she screams and runs out of the room. two weeks later jean gordon commits suicide, puts her head in the oven and turns the gas on. carlo deste wrote about this and said the rumor, he had not been able to verify it, that she left a note, i'm going to be with george before you. so in 1953, beatrice passes away. she had a blood clot to the brain, much like her husband, after she fell off a horse. the children want to bury her with him. the military says, no. only the soldiers are allowed to be buried there, no spouses, nobody else. so they cremate her, bury her in the backyard near a big tree, and about four years later they dig it up and put some of the ashes in an envelope, and they