learn from the best, i will learn from the guys who luke, who took us to the moon for a learn from jean krantz i learned from these early flight directors. i wanted to make sure we did not lose those lessons. but nasa changed. the problem with the shuttle program was, nasa was a research organization. it was not designed to be an operational organization. it was not renter run an airline. we were always caught in this dichotomy of we want to keep flying the shuttle there were attempts to turn the shuttle over to contractors. this kind of like hiring a contractor to fight your work for you ifli you are a nation. some things should be under the direct control of the people who do not have profits in mind they're just there to serve the good of the people and serve the constitution. and so, once we start flying lots and lots of mission, the early program we were going to flight 50 missions a year the load a week you couldn't do it for shuttles in the staffing we had was impossible. that we did flight 12 in one year. i got really, really busy. so we got into this mode of trying to symphony eyes ev