. >> reporter: jean rodr and some0 neighbors now sleep out in the open, here, a solitar cooker. but all around them, thetench of death. jean rodrig's faly is still lookg for remnants in the house. but for them, nothing wi be enough to reace the world the earthquake left behind. >> lehrer: margaret warnerpoke a short me ago to martin smith of our p.b.s partner, rontline." he is in port-au-pnce. >> warner: martin smit the two piecese saw from itn sugges it's a real patchwork down there now in terms of w is getting aid and who i't. is that at you're findin >> reporter: it is. it certainly is not coornated. people getting it e getting it in spite oefforts to coordinate the aid. i just came from aospital where everybody had been med into the couyard because of the lastarthquake, the tremors that happened sterday, afraid to stay the billion. d everybody there complained newborn babies had no rmula. nobody had the rig spliedz, and furthermore, it wa't coordinated. i was in refee camp where's there were complaints theyad no wer, they were drinking bad wateand getting disintery. downtown