that's what jean-claude trichet is telling cnbc, that ben bernanke is doing the right thing, adding that there's only so much that policymakers can do. >> it was the worst since world war ii and perhaps the worst since world war i. >>> and where in the world is edward snowden? the admitted leaker of u.s. government secrets is now believed to be still in russia today as washington is pressing moscow to send him home to face prosecution. >>> and an all-star guest lineup today. the former goldman -- former chairman, excuse me, of goldman sachs asset management, jim o'neill, author of the gloom, boom and doom report and blackstone senior managing director john kosinski all are coming up in the first hour of the show. >>> hi, everybody. welcome to a packed show, and we're not lying when we tell you that we've got some phenomenal guests coming up, so you'll want to stay tuned, at least for the next two hours to catch all these phenomenal interviews, especially given what's taken place in the markets over the last couple sessions. again, a reminder that we saw a huge sell-off, especially toward