the leaders are trying to decide who should succeed jean-claude tusker and replace donald to head theuropean council. where do things stand at the moment? whatat was left on t the table e they broroke up? >> we wewere told they were cloe to an agreement for all of the top jobs. he would become the european parliament president and the high representntative president .or rereign affairs they were talking about that package for some time bubut coud not get it across the line. ishether theyr need nime to getet the package across the finish line. was a feeling that after 20 hours of negotiations, eu leaders were not in the right frame of mind to make such an importrtant decision. findare going to have to somewhere to stay tonight in brussels before the talks resume tomorrow. genie: what are the prospects of getting an agreement tomorrow? >> theheare under time pressure. ththis was rescheduled for isorrow i is because tomorrow the opening of the european parliament sesession. parliamenty, the new are supposed to cast a vote for their p president andndhey have said if the europepean couounc