geographer jean-louis chaleard studies a cocoa plantationities; nearoubrthe sohwestof côte d'. rapher jean-louis chaleard st(dchaleard speaking frenchi)s; translator: during the 1960s and '70s, the ivory coast experienced strong economic growth. this was essentially due to exported cultivation, principally of cocoa. narrator the icocoa will only growrgest coin tropical rain forests,. which you can see on this satellite mosaic as darkegreeareas along the southern coast. during the 1920s, coffeendocoa plantations abegan in the southeast.. they then diffused to the center-west and nally to the souwest in the 197. agricultural wealthnes in theis one of the factors that has influenced the growth and activityf the towns. we have an administrative district-- a commercial district-- which, in some ways, would look like a... a frenchrovincial city with cafes and commeial strips and... and restaurants. it has qui a... a ench flavo with abidjan was the capitalps of the formefrench colony. the port was main gateway for imports and exports. the government was located inbidjan, rrator: and th