jean-marc bonmatin of the national center for scientific research in france, was one of the lead authors of the group's findings. >> [speaking french] >> the task force says systemic pesticide contamination is so widespread that the diversity and stability of the world's ecosystems is at risk. the task force based its findings on an analysis of 800 peer-reviewed reports, the most comprehensive review of the scientific literature on systemic pesticides to date. when asked to comment, bayer crop science said the task force only looks at worst-case scenarios, and that studies under realistic field conditions show that systemic pesticides do not harm honeybees, birds, or other wildlife. >> the main concern with neonics is that they have such a high toxicity to a broad range of invertebrates, terrestrial and aquatic. they are extremely persistent and extremely mobile. and you put those 3 conditions together and you're talking about removal of a large segment of the invertebrate community. >> they're accumulating in the soil. they're drawn up by hedgerow plants, by trees growing in farmland, a