. >> i spoke to jean michel cousteau in santa barbara california where his ocean future society is headquartered. it was founded to carry on his pioneering work. >> my generation grew up on the undersea world of jacques cousteau. your dad opened up this universe to generations. how, how has it changed from the 1960s in that initial exploration to, to now? >> well, i think his curiosity uh is what made him do what he did and open the door uh in a easy way compared to many other ways uh to uh exploring the ocean and seeing and discovering what is at the end of the day a life support system to every one of us. the majority of all life in the ocean and on earth uh on land is because of the ocean and the foundations of all life which is the plankton, zooplankton, phytoplankton. without them it wouldn't have any life. we wouldn't be here. so we didn't know that in those days and so the curiosity of my dad was to keep going, going, going, and people would ask him, what do you expect to find on your next dive? and he always said if i knew i wouldn't go. and uh, what i say today myself is what is your be