report from chief of department jeanine nicholson on current issues, activities and s within the department since fire commission meeting on october 99 including budget, academies, spl events, communication and outreo other government agencies and te public. >> thank you very much, madame secretary. good evening, chief nicholson. >> good evening again. thank you president nakajo, vice president covington, commissioners, good e you here. i'll start off with or academy. i know chief velo is gg his report, he'll give you more detail. but we did start the mes of station 49 in our suppression academy this week. so we are gog full bore now. and you will get further information from chief . on the 11th, myself and severaly staff, including chief tom met h the san francisco general hospil foundation. and we went through, psych emergency services and tao them about how we work togetherd sort of what their capacity is w we can work better together. ane talked also about all sorts of e that we bring that don't necessy need a hospital, an emergency rd sort of how can we collaborate t and do ems prevent