later, jeanne barnier is supposed to have said simply, "we did what we could." catherine: she was opposed to every form of racism. she helped people who needed help without asking too many questions. she was gutsy. she once told me, "i was young. maybe that helped me avoid dwelling on the dangers too much." >> villagers who helped the jews thereby risked their own lives. the nazis had already put some of them, including jeanne barnier, on a death list that was found after the end of the war in the nazi headquarters in lyon. and yet, the people in tiny dieulefit were able to rescue, house, and provide work for 15 hundred people who were under threat. >> i think about your father often. he was my math teacher! >> there! you see! >> jean morin's father, a factory owner, also took part in the rescue measures. he took in the jewish boy isaac, whose parents were murdered in a concentration camp. jean: isaac accustomed himself well. he lived in a room between my parents' room and our room. he used our bathroom and ate meals with us. he lived here as if he were another