so jeanne clark harris arranged a dinner meet iing at her apartment for them to meet.e candidate, the, in the meet i meeting then the candidate handed him a expents report budget to get out the vote. and thompson agreed to do, so but he said that the many knee would pass through harris, and that hawkins and harris would manage the money. as the candidate left the apartment, he thanked jeff thompson and referring to him by the secret nickname, uncle. and thompson made good on the deal reached over dinner with the candidate, and transferred more than half a million in 2010 to harris. that was used to pay the shadow get out the vote campaign, money which assisted the candidate in obtaining victory at the polls. but thompson's benefit campaign did not end after the candidate won the election. after the election, thompson provided $10,000 to cover a campaign expense incurred by one of the candidates' close family members, and another $10,000 to support one of the candidate's union allies that was at the mayoral candidate's request, and home improvements and other items for