the very first i have is jed olson from fossil free san francisco. >> thank you very much. ted olson, fossil free s.f. there's a lot to cover here. first, welcome to mr. collins. sorry to miss the opportunity to meet with you. i want to thank you for hitting the ground running and getting the work done and thank goldman who supersized the issue in the room. this is the least my brain has hurt in this room ever, i think though alan always does his best and is the whole argument we just heard is a complete logical fallacy on the order of here's a snowball so we don't have to worry about warming or it's a nice day at the beach therefore we don't have to worry about coastal infrastructure. ultimately, all of these issues require us to use our brain to use science to understand the status quo is going to change and because it exists today, doesn't mean we can make our planning decisions based on that. it's analogous to the physician in world war ii in that we kept our head in the stand until we were hit. the problem with climate change by the time we're hit it will be far too la