killers -- actually there were more than that involved, there were at least four white guys involved, jeddah mylum, roy bryant, roy mylan who ran the plantation which is where emmett till was beaten and killed -- william bradford huey's piece i always believed for so long was true. i now believe almost everything that's in that piece is a lie. and it's kind of been regarded for so many years as gospel and it's all basically a lie. i realize. almost everything in it. in detail in it. because we know we can prove otherwise. i mean, with facts not just conjecture. so fast forward carolyn bryant was quoted in tim tyson's book as admitting that she -- that she lied basically when she testified. something along those lines. recanted in some way. this is where it gets crazy. carolyn bryant's family says that's not true and actually tim tyson doesn't have it on tape. so it just becomes a matter of debate that way. i guess to back up a little bit in time, in 2007 -- the fbi investigated this again, okay? in the 2000s. in 2007 it was presented to a grand jury, a majority black grand jury in mississipp