and those still holding out must understand, the old jeem regime is over and it's time to lay down your arms and join the new libya. as this happens, the worldpport dangerous weapons conventional and otherwise and bring fighters under central civilian control. for without security, democracy and trade and investment cannot flourish. second, the humanitarian effort. the transitional national council has been working quickly to restore water and electricity and food supplies to tripoli, but, for many libyans, each day is still a struggle to recover from their wounds, reunite with their families, and return to their homes. and, even after the guns of war fall silent he, the ravages of war will continue. so our efforts to assist its victims must continue. in this the united nations will play a key role. and along with our partners, the united states will do our part to help the hungry and the wuntd wounded. third, a democratic transition that is peaceful, inclusive and just. president jal il has just reaffirmed the transitional national council's commitment to these principles and the unite