. >> youtube sensation jeff beck joins the governor tonight. >> plus, he was 11 years old when he asked her for money on the street. she didn't give him money, but something much more valuable that has lasted more than 25 years. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. ♪ >> thank you. thank you very much, everyone. and welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york. people are observing the most important dates in christian and jewish life. easter this weekend and passover on monday. and i realize it's not fashionable to center one's life around faith, but the morals that set the standards by which we are to live, rather than moving the goal post so i can be claim to winning at life, but lowering the standard to make it appear that way, then i'll joyfully take the ridicule. now, i'm going to have all eternity to get over that ridicule. recent studies show a disturbing people in the united states claim no reconnection to any faith, church or synagogue. i don't blame the secularists, however, i blame those of us, including me, who must not have done a very good job of maki