imax guys are welcome back to the kaiser report time now to go to acapulco to talk with jeff berwick editor of dollar vigilante dot com welcome to the show jeff thank you very much max all right just broke as your website name suggests you are a dollar vigilante now the u.s. and the i.a.e.a. have just fired a sixty million barrel wad at u. of oil are you scared is selling oil from the strategic petroleum reserve going to defeat inflation jeff it's pretty obvious that obama understands the oil market about as much as he understands the u.s. debt markets. absolutely no effect and it's quite. puzzling why they would even do it there's obviously just one or two reasons why they would do one is for political gain which really makes no sense because why would they even bother like as i just mentioned this is such a small amount that it really won't have very much effect at all the only other reason i could think of that he would even do this is there's some sort of an emergency like that's the reason you're supposed to actually release these oil reserves and who knows maybe there are planni