welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to acapulco and speak with jeff berwick of the africa's pod cast as well as they and marco polo go and crypto polka conferences jeff is also now part of israel's block producer team a potential competitor as well as collaborator to fish the block producer candidate that max the stacy are involved with jeff welcome back to the kaiser report m house it's a pleasure and. a collaborator not a competitor and that we can all work together on this yeah absolutely jeff you got started in crypto in a bitcoin the same air that we got started to climb back in two thousand and eleven and so we've saved pretty much every shift in the industry we experienced a mt gox crash in twenty fourteen we've experienced three or four seventy to eighty percent corrections in the price of bitcoin and we've seen the rise of some alternative models and some interesting models and certainly dan lehrer who actually wasn't talked to us a toshiba nakamoto during the earliest days of bitcoin went on to create steam it went on to create a bit shares and now h