i agree with david cameron in jeff sessions, let's have a debate about immigration, but i am in the camp, let's stop talking about it and do something. this bill is a giant step forward in many ways. for the senate, we are at 10% or 12% of approval rating, and my question is who are the 10% and 12%, and what the hell do they like? i do not approve of what we are doing. i see this as a significant step to work together in a bipartisan fashion to do something that matters. is this bill perfect? is it like senator sessions described? no. to the american people, you have to be frustrated by your congress not being able to do the hard things, and sometimes not even the same old things. -- simple things. they should give you a little bit of hope that for the first time since 2007 the united states senate, in a bipartisan fashion, is about to pass legislation on an important topic that is emotionally tough but needs to be dealt with. to the critics, i appreciate the debate. this time around, it has been so much better, but some of the criticism i will address. senator rubio spoke in an fashion