this is...jeff darby. he was your roommate for four months. that's a long time. your next closest roommate lasted only three weeks. jeff must have been special. hmm. not really. ...and he visited you even after he got out. you and jeff roomed together as cellmates for 123 days straight. provenza: in fact, you were more than just roommates, weren't you? you and jeff formed a-a real bond between you. if you're implying a physysal relationship.... okay. you were in love with jeff darby. [ chuckles ] no. but i'm in prison. jeff relelved the tedium. jeff feels differently. in fact, he's been very cooperative. ok, i'm not sure what lies je's been telling you, but he was obsessed with me. at first i felt sorry for him, but then he got all clingy. to be fair, he's young and lis older guys. i get it. but in kind of the same way i feel about you, i wish he'd just go away. i'd like to go now. okay. wait, wait, wait a minute, detective sanchez. how about... how w out i bet you 20 bucks... i can get you to confess? now you're just embarrassing yourself. okay, what if we raised