[applause] well, my name is jeff fortenberry come from nebraska.n, nebraska and it's a pleasure to be with you. i want to thank the family research council for their kind introduction to be here today i should give you a little bit of my own background. i live with six women. let me clarify that. i have a wife and five daughters. [laughter] and we have a lot of fun as a family. and james was talking about his wife being here. unfortunately mine couldn't be here with us today. but as he was talking about their interaction as a family come as a couple coming and thinking through the sacrifices and difficulties and working through how to be leader in america while also being a leader in home, i was reflecting on a story or an event that happened to me when i first ran for political office in 1997. i was a much younger person, had black hair and i decided to run for the lincoln city council and my wife and i were expecting our first child so she did a great joy of standing by my side as long as she could in the right before the election we had of the d