the one master minded by her ex-husband, jeff galuli? you never said to jeff, "let's do this"? >> no. no. >> he never asked your permission? >> no. >> you were never part of the planning? >> no. i did, however, overhear them talking about stuff where, "well, maybe we should take somebody out so we can make sure she gets on the team." and i remember telling them, i go, "what the hell are you talking about? i can skate." >> you heard them talking about doing something to someone before the attack on nancy, but nothing specific? >> this was like a month or two months before. they were talking about skating and saying, "maybe somebody should be taken out so then she can make it." >> why? >> it makes you cringe hearing it. because you know how much that it had to have hurt. and why someone would do this. what are they after? >> reporter: the attack on kerrigan would become one of the greatest scandals in sports history. >> the press threw me to the wolves. pretty much everybody treated me like i was nothing. >> got something to say? >> no, i'm afraid she doesn't. >> out of my way. d