this is jeff goodell a new york times celebrated author writing an article for rolling stone he spent months in the gulf interviewing people and investigating the oil spill you know i've been looking out at this day and it sort of looked normal to him there wasn't like there was oil slick floating out there we noticed that some of the dolphins and they came up with coffee and i asked the dolphin expert is that dolphin coughing or by the. maginnis and he said no that's that's a coffee said dolphins often react this way to stress. sort of a heart wrenching moment where i really understood the real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds. they're serving our shrimp in washington d.c. . they're still serving gov safer than all over the country. without. any one of the cleanup crews would need a while. on the most wanted time in the morning in the milestone coming up a little so now those will not be mine. in the aftermath of fuel catastrophe in the gulf the line between truth and fiction blurred so easily. everyone wanted the