mentions, you know, the candidacy of custer. >> yes, sir. >> thank you. >> i have a question for jeff guinn. jeff, i'm wondering in your research and in your writings so far, what has surprised you most about the story as you've uncovered it? >> the things that are amazing me the most are some of the history of southeast arizona and the absolute combination -- sort of -- it's almost a drug-inducing atmosphere and so enticing of tombstone, elegance and decadence at the same time that i think so many folks out there have -- have misunderstanding of what the town was like. what arizona territory was like. there's so much more to the story than i ever would have guessed and there's so many people who have very strong opinions about all of it and at least half of them no matter what i write will decide i'm an idiot and probably evil besides. but that's what makes it fun.